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Convergence and stability constant of the theta-method

Faragó, István — 2013

Applications of Mathematics 2013

The Euler methods are the most popular, simplest and widely used methods for the solution of the Cauchy problem for the first order ODE. The simplest and usual generalization of these methods are the so called theta-methods (notated also as θ -methods), which are, in fact, the convex linear combination of the two basic variants of the Euler methods, namely of the explicit Euler method (EEM) and of the implicit Euler method (IEM). This family of the methods is well-known and it is introduced almost...

The convergence of explicit Runge-Kutta methods combined with Richardson extrapolation

Faragó, IstvánHavasi, ÁgnesZlatev, Zahari — 2012

Applications of Mathematics 2012

Runge-Kutta methods are widely used in the solution of systems of ordinary differential equations. Richardson extrapolation is an efficient tool to enhance the accuracy of time integration schemes. In this paper we investigate the convergence of the combination of any explicit Runge-Kutta method with active Richardson extrapolation and show that the obtained numerical solution converges under rather natural conditions.

Application of Richardson extrapolation with the Crank-Nicolson scheme for multi-dimensional advection

Zlatev, ZahariDimov, IvanFaragó, IstvánGeorgiev, KrassimirHavasi, ÁgnesOstromsky, Tzvetan — 2013

Applications of Mathematics 2013

Multi-dimensional advection terms are an important part of many large-scale mathematical models which arise in different fields of science and engineering. After applying some kind of splitting, these terms can be handled separately from the remaining part of the mathematical model under consideration. It is important to treat the multi-dimensional advection in a sufficiently accurate manner. It is shown in this paper that high order of accuracy can be achieved when the well-known Crank-Nicolson...

Generalizations and error analysis of the iterative operator splitting method

Tamás LadicsIstván Faragó — 2013

Open Mathematics

The properties of iterative splitting with two bounded linear operators have been analyzed by Faragó et al. For more than two operators, iterative splitting can be defined in many different ways. A large class of the possible extensions to this case is presented in this paper and the order of accuracy of these methods are examined. A separate section is devoted to the discussion of two of these methods to illustrate how this class of possible methods can be classified with respect to the order of...

Numerical solution of the Maxwell equations in time-varying media using Magnus expansion

István FaragóÁgnes HavasiRobert Horváth — 2012

Open Mathematics

For the Maxwell equations in time-dependent media only finite difference schemes with time-dependent conductivity are known. In this paper we present a numerical scheme based on the Magnus expansion and operator splitting that can handle time-dependent permeability and permittivity too. We demonstrate our results with numerical tests.

Richardson Extrapolation combined with the sequential splitting procedure and the θ-method

Zahari ZlatevIstván FaragóÁgnes Havasi — 2012

Open Mathematics

Initial value problems for systems of ordinary differential equations (ODEs) are solved numerically by using a combination of (a) the θ-method, (b) the sequential splitting procedure and (c) Richardson Extrapolation. Stability results for the combined numerical method are proved. It is shown, by using numerical experiments, that if the combined numerical method is stable, then it behaves as a second-order method.

Galerkin approximations for the linear parabolic equation with the third boundary condition

István FaragóSergey KorotovPekka Neittaanmäki — 2003

Applications of Mathematics

We solve a linear parabolic equation in d , d 1 , with the third nonhomogeneous boundary condition using the finite element method for discretization in space, and the θ -method for discretization in time. The convergence of both, the semidiscrete approximations and the fully discretized ones, is analysed. The proofs are based on a generalization of the idea of the elliptic projection. The rate of convergence is derived also for variable time step-sizes.

An IMEX scheme for reaction-diffusion equations: application for a PEM fuel cell model

István FaragóFerenc IzsákTamás SzabóÁkos Kriston — 2013

Open Mathematics

An implicit-explicit (IMEX) method is developed for the numerical solution of reaction-diffusion equations with pure Neumann boundary conditions. The corresponding method of lines scheme with finite differences is analyzed: explicit conditions are given for its convergence in the ‖·‖∞ norm. The results are applied to a model for determining the overpotential in a proton exchange membrane (PEM) fuel cell.

Reliable numerical modelling of malaria propagation

István FaragóMiklós Emil MincsovicsRahele Mosleh — 2018

Applications of Mathematics

We investigate biological processes, particularly the propagation of malaria. Both the continuous and the numerical models on some fixed mesh should preserve the basic qualitative properties of the original phenomenon. Our main goal is to give the conditions for the discrete (numerical) models of the malaria phenomena under which they possess some given qualitative property, namely, to be between zero and one. The conditions which guarantee this requirement are related to the time-discretization...

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