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Order by Relevance | Title | Year of publication

A characterization of complete atomic Boolean algebra.

Francesc Esteva — 1977


In this note we give a characterization of complete atomic Boolean algebras by means of complete atomic lattices. We find that unicity of the representation of the maximum as union of atoms and Lambda-infinite distributivity law are necessary and sufficient conditions for the lattice to be a complete atomic Boolean algebra.

On the structure of intuitionistic algebras with relational probabilities.

Francesc Esteva — 1988


Trillas ([1]) has defined a relational probability on an intuitionistic algebra and has given its basic properties. The main results of this paper are two. The first one says that a relational probability on a intuitionistic algebra defines a congruence such that the quotient is a Boolean algebra. The second one shows that relational probabilities are, in most cases, extensions of conditional probabilities on Boolean algebras.

Negaciones en la teoría de conjuntos difusos.

Francesc Esteva — 1981


All the negations of P(X) satisfying the extension principle and the generalized extension principle are fully described through the negation of L. Necessary and sufficient conditions are given for n to be an ortho or u-complementation and for n to satisfy the DeMorgan laws.

On some isomorphisms of De Morgan algebras of fuzzy sets.

Francesc Esteva — 1983


In this paper the classes of De Morgan algebras (P(X),∩,U,n) are studied. With respect to isomorphisms of such algebras, being P(X) the fuzzy sets on a universe X taking values in [0,1], U and ∩ the usual union and intersection given by max and min operations and n a proper complement.

Classification of the regular De Morgan algebras of fuzzy sets.

Francesc EstevaNúria Piera — 1984


A characterization of regular lattices of fuzzy sets and their isomorphisms is given in Part I. A characterization of involutions on regular lattices of fuzzy sets and the isomorphisms of De Morgan algebras of fuzzy sets is given in Part II. Finally all classes of De Morgan algebras of fuzzy sets with respect to isomorphisms are completely described.

Sobre funciones de negación en [0,1].

Francesc EstevaXavier Domingo — 1980


In [12] Trillas proved that (P(X),∩,U,-n) is a quasi-Boolean algebra if and only if its negation has an additive generator. In this paper such result is generalized to PJ(X) and the symmetry of J is analized. From the results of Esteva ([11]) weak negations on [0,1] are studied; it is proved that such functions are monotonic, non-increasing, left-continuous and symmetrical with respect to y=x. Their classification relative to C([0,1]) is also given...

Putting together Lukasiewicz and product logics.

Francesc EstevaLluis Godo — 1999

Mathware and Soft Computing

In this paper we investigate a propositional fuzzy logical system LΠ which contains the well-known Lukasiewicz, Product and Gödel fuzzy logics as sublogics. We define the corresponding algebraic structures, called LΠ-algebras and prove the following completeness result: a formula φ is provable in the LΠ logic iff it is a tautology for all linear LΠ-algebras. Moreover, linear LΠ-algebras are shown to be embeddable in linearly ordered abelian rings with a strong unit and cancellation law.

Fuzzy approximation relations, modal structures and possibilistic logic.

Francesc EstevaPere GarcíaLluis. GodoRicardo O. Rodríguez — 1998

Mathware and Soft Computing

The paper introduces a general axiomatic notion of approximation mapping, a mapping that associates to each crisp proposition p a fuzzy set representing approximately p. It is shown how it can be obtained through fuzzy relations, which are at least reflexive. We study the corresponding multi-modal systems depending on the properties satisfied by the approximate relation. Finally, we show some equivalences between possibilistic logical consequences and global/local logical consequences in the multi-modal...

On defining multiple-valued logics for knowledge-based systems communication.

José Antonio ReyesJosep Puyol-GruartFrancesc Esteva — 2000

Mathware and Soft Computing

Multiple-valued logics are useful for dealing with uncertainty and imprecision in Knowledge-Based Systems. Different problems can require different logics. Then we need mechanisms to translate the information exchanged between two problems with different logics. In this paper, we introduce the logical foundations of such logics and the communication mechanisms that preserve some deductive properties. We also describe a tool to assist users in the declaration of logics and their communication mechanisms....

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