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The Bordalo order on a commutative ring

Melvin HenriksenFrank A. Smith — 1999

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

If R is a commutative ring with identity and is defined by letting a b mean a b = a or a = b , then ( R , ) is a partially ordered ring. Necessary and sufficient conditions on R are given for ( R , ) to be a lattice, and conditions are given for it to be modular or distributive. The results are applied to the rings Z n of integers mod n for n 2 . In particular, if R is reduced, then ( R , ) is a lattice iff R is a weak Baer ring, and ( R , ) is a distributive lattice iff R is a Boolean ring, Z 3 , Z 4 , Z 2 [ x ] / x 2 Z 2 [ x ] , or a four element field.

When is every order ideal a ring ideal?

Melvin HenriksenSuzanne LarsonFrank A. Smith — 1991

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

A lattice-ordered ring is called an if each of its order ideals is a ring ideal. Generalizing earlier work of Basly and Triki, OIRI-rings are characterized as those f -rings such that / 𝕀 is contained in an f -ring with an identity element that is a strong order unit for some nil l -ideal 𝕀 of . In particular, if P ( ) denotes the set of nilpotent elements of the f -ring , then is an OIRI-ring if and only if / P ( ) is contained in an f -ring with an identity element that is a strong order unit.

The maximal regular ideal of some commutative rings

Emad Abu OsbaMelvin HenriksenOsama AlkamFrank A. Smith — 2006

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

In 1950 in volume 1 of Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., B. Brown and N. McCoy showed that every (not necessarily commutative) ring R has an ideal 𝔐 ( R ) consisting of elements a for which there is an x such that a x a = a , and maximal with respect to this property. Considering only the case when R is commutative and has an identity element, it is often not easy to determine when 𝔐 ( R ) is not just the zero ideal. We determine when this happens in a number of cases: Namely when at least one of a or 1 - a has a von Neumann inverse,...

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