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Clifford-Hermite-monogenic operators

Freddy BrackxNele de SchepperFrank Sommen — 2006

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

In this paper we consider operators acting on a subspace of the space L 2 ( m ; m ) of square integrable functions and, in particular, Clifford differential operators with polynomial coefficients. The subspace is defined as the orthogonal sum of spaces s , k of specific Clifford basis functions of L 2 ( m ; m ) . Every Clifford endomorphism of can be decomposed into the so-called Clifford-Hermite-monogenic operators. These Clifford-Hermite-monogenic operators are characterized in terms of commutation relations and they...

Fischer decompositions in Euclidean and Hermitean Clifford analysis

Freddy BrackxHennie de SchepperVladimír Souček — 2010

Archivum Mathematicum

Euclidean Clifford analysis is a higher dimensional function theory studying so–called monogenic functions, i.e. null solutions of the rotation invariant, vector valued, first order Dirac operator ̲ . In the more recent branch Hermitean Clifford analysis, this rotational invariance has been broken by introducing a complex structure J on Euclidean space and a corresponding second Dirac operator ̲ J , leading to the system of equations ̲ f = 0 = ̲ J f expressing so-called Hermitean monogenicity. The invariance of this...

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