On standard normal convergence of the multivariate Student -statistic for symmetric random vectors.
We obtain optimal bounds of order O(n −1) for the rate of convergence to the semicircle law and to the Marchenko-Pastur law for the expected spectral distribution functions of random matrices from the GUE and LUE, respectively.
We give an analytical approach to the definition of additive and multiplicative free convolutions which is based on the theory of Nevanlinna and Schur functions. We consider the set of probability distributions as a semigroup M equipped with the operation of free convolution and prove a Khintchine type theorem for the factorization of elements of this semigroup. An element of M contains either indecomposable (“prime”) factors or it belongs to a class, say I 0, of distributions without indecomposable...
Based on an analytical approach to the definition of multiplicative free convolution on probability measures on the nonnegative line ℝ+ and on the unit circle we prove analogs of limit theorems for nonidentically distributed random variables in classical Probability Theory.
It is shown that the Kolmogorov distance between the expected spectral distribution function of an n × n matrix from the Deformed Gaussian Ensemble and the distribution function of the semi-circle law is of order O(n −2/3+v ).
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