Answer to a question by M. Feder about K(X,Y).
We show that a Banach space constructed by Bourgain-Delbaen in 1980 answers a question put by Feder in 1982 about spaces of compact operators.
We show that a Banach space constructed by Bourgain-Delbaen in 1980 answers a question put by Feder in 1982 about spaces of compact operators.
We improve (in some sense) a recent theorem due to Banas and Knap (1989) about the existence of integrable solutions of a functional-integral equation.
We show that a B-space E has the (CRP) if and only if any dominated operator T from C[0, 1] into E is compact. Hence we apply this result to prove that c0 embeds isomorphically into the B-space of all compact operators from C[0, 1] into an arbitrary B-space E without the (CRP).
The article contains no abstract
Let (S, ∑, m) be any atomless finite measure space, and X any Banach space containing a copy of . Then the Bochner space is uncomplemented in ccabv(∑,m;X), the Banach space of all m-continuous vector measures that are of bounded variation and have a relatively compact range; and ccabv(∑,m;X) is uncomplemented in cabv(∑,m;X). It is conjectured that this should generalize to all Banach spaces X without the Radon-Nikodym property.
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