Let be a rational prime, be a finite extension of the field of -adic numbers, and let be a totally ramified cyclic extension of degree . Restrict the first ramification number of to about half of its possible values, where denotes the absolute ramification index of . Under this loose condition, we explicitly determine the -module structure of the ring of integers of , where denotes the -adic integers and denotes the Galois group Gal. In the process of determining this structure,...
This paper provides a complete catalog of the break numbers that occur in the ramification filtration of fully and thus wildly ramified quaternion extensions of dyadic number fields which contain (along with some partial results for the more general case). This catalog depends upon the , which as defined in [] is associated with the biquadratic subfield. Moreover we find that quaternion counter-examples to the conclusion of the Hasse-Arf Theorem are extremely rare and can occur only when the refined...
Which invariants of a Galois -extension of local number fields (residue field of char , and Galois group ) determine the structure of the ideals in as modules over the group ring , the -adic integers? We consider this question within the context of elementary abelian extensions, though we also briefly consider cyclic extensions. For elementary abelian groups , we propose and study a new group (within the group ring where is the residue field) and its resulting ramification filtrations....
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