We classify up to topological type nonorientable bordered Klein surfaces with maximal symmetry and soluble automorphism group provided its solubility degree does not exceed 4. Using this classification we show that a soluble group of automorphisms of a nonorientable Riemann surface of algebraic genus q ≥ 2 has at most 24(q-1) elements and that this bound is sharp for infinitely many values of q.
A metabelian group G acting as automorphism group on a compact Riemann surface of genus g ≥ 2 has order less than or equal to 16(g-1). We calculate for which values of g this bound is achieved and on these cases we calculate a presentation of the group G.
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It is a natural question what is the set of minimal periods of a holomorphic maps on a Riemann surface of negative Euler characteristic. Sierakowski studied ordinary holomorphic periods on classical Riemann surfaces. Here we study orientation reversing automorphisms acting on classical Riemann surfaces, and also automorphisms of non-orientable unbordered Klein surfaces to which, following Singerman, we shall refer to as non-orientable Riemann surfaces. We get a complete set of conditions for the...
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