A note on the efficiency of residual-based a posteriori error estimators for some mixed finite element methods.
We present a new stabilized mixed finite element method for the linear elasticity problem in . The approach is based on the introduction of Galerkin least-squares terms arising from the constitutive and equilibrium equations, and from the relation defining the rotation in terms of the displacement. We show that the resulting augmented variational formulation and the associated Galerkin scheme are well posed, and that the latter becomes locking-free and asymptotically locking-free for Dirichlet...
In this paper we develop a residual based a posteriori error analysis for an augmented mixed finite element method applied to the problem of linear elasticity in the plane. More precisely, we derive a reliable and efficient a posteriori error estimator for the case of pure Dirichlet boundary conditions. In addition, several numerical experiments confirming the theoretical properties of the estimator, and illustrating the capability of the corresponding adaptive algorithm to localize the singularities...
This paper is concerned with the dual formulation of the interface problem consisting of a linear partial differential equation with variable coefficients in some bounded Lipschitz domain Ω in ( ≥ 2) and the Laplace equation with some radiation condition in the unbounded exterior domain Ω:= . The two problems are coupled by transmission and Signorini contact conditions on the interface Γ = ∂Ω. The exterior part of the interface problem is rewritten using a Neumann to Dirichlet mapping (NtD) given...
We introduce and analyze a fully-mixed finite element method for a fluid-solid interaction problem in 2D. The model consists of an elastic body which is subject to a given incident wave that travels in the fluid surrounding it. Actually, the fluid is supposed to occupy an annular region, and hence a Robin boundary condition imitating the behavior of the scattered field at infinity is imposed on its exterior boundary, which is located far from the obstacle. The media are governed by the elastodynamic...
In this paper we combine the dual-mixed finite element method with a Dirichlet-to-Neumann mapping (given in terms of a boundary integral operator) to solve linear exterior transmission problems in the plane. As a model we consider a second order elliptic equation in divergence form coupled with the Laplace equation in the exterior unbounded region. We show that the resulting mixed variational formulation and an associated discrete scheme using Raviart-Thomas spaces are well posed, and derive the...
This paper is concerned with the dual formulation of the interface problem consisting of a linear partial differential equation with variable coefficients in some bounded Lipschitz domain Ω in ( ≥ 2) and the Laplace equation with some radiation condition in the unbounded exterior domain Ω := . The two problems are coupled by transmission and Signorini contact conditions on the interface Γ = ∂Ω. The exterior part of the interface problem is rewritten using a Neumann to Dirichlet mapping (NtD) ...
In this paper we combine the dual-mixed finite element method with a Dirichlet-to-Neumann mapping (given in terms of a boundary integral operator) to solve linear exterior transmission problems in the plane. As a model we consider a second order elliptic equation in divergence form coupled with the Laplace equation in the exterior unbounded region. We show that the resulting mixed variational formulation and an associated discrete scheme using Raviart-Thomas spaces are well posed, and derive the...
In this paper we develop a residual based error analysis for an augmented mixed finite element method applied to the problem of linear elasticity in the plane. More precisely, we derive a reliable and efficient error estimator for the case of pure Dirichlet boundary conditions. In addition, several numerical experiments confirming the theoretical properties of the estimator, and illustrating the capability of the corresponding adaptive algorithm to localize the singularities and the large stress...
A coupled finite/boundary element method to approximate the free vibration modes of an elastic structure containing an incompressible fluid is analyzed in this paper. The effect of the fluid is taken into account by means of one of the most usual procedures in engineering practice: an added mass formulation, which is posed in terms of boundary integral equations. Piecewise linear continuous elements are used to discretize the solid displacements and the fluid-solid interface variables. Spectral...
A coupled finite/boundary element method to approximate the free vibration modes of an elastic structure containing an incompressible fluid is analyzed in this paper. The effect of the fluid is taken into account by means of one of the most usual procedures in engineering practice: an , which is posed in terms of boundary integral equations. Piecewise linear continuous elements are used to discretize the solid displacements and the fluid-solid interface variables. Spectral convergence is...
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