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Explosive solutions of semilinear elliptic systems with gradient term.

Marius GherguVicentiu Radulescu — 2003


Estudiamos la existencia de soluciones del sistema elíptico no lineal Δu + |∇u| = p(|x|)f(v), Δv + |∇v| = q(|x|)g(u) en Ω que explotan en el borde. Aquí Ω es un dominio acotado de R o el espacio total. Las nolinealidades f y g son funciones continuas positivas mientras que los potenciales p y q son funciones continuas que satisfacen apropiadas condiciones de crecimiento en el infinito. Demostramos que las soluciones explosivas en el borde dejan de existir si f y g son sublineales. Esto se tiene...

Homogenization of thin piezoelectric perforated shells

Marius GherguGeorges GrisoHouari MechkourBernadette Miara — 2007

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis

We rigorously establish the existence of the limit homogeneous constitutive law of a piezoelectric composite made of periodically perforated microstructures and whose reference configuration is a thin shell with fixed thickness. We deal with an extension of the Koiter shell model in which the three curvilinear coordinates of the elastic displacement field and the electric potential are coupled. By letting the size of the microstructure going to zero and by using the periodic unfolding method combined...

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