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On preservation under univariate weighted distributions

Salman IzadkhahMohammad AminiGholam Reza Mohtashami Borzadaran — 2015

Applications of Mathematics

We derive some new results for preservation of various stochastic orders and aging classes under weighted distributions. The corresponding reversed preservation properties as straightforward conclusions of the obtained results for the direct preservation properties, are developed. Damage model of Rao, residual lifetime distribution, proportional hazards and proportional reversed hazards models are discussed as special weighted distributions to try some of our results.

Characterizations of continuous distributions through inequalities involving the expected values of selected functions

Faranak GoodarziMohammad AminiGholam Reza Mohtashami Borzadaran — 2017

Applications of Mathematics

Nanda (2010) and Bhattacharjee et al. (2013) characterized a few distributions with help of the failure rate, mean residual, log-odds rate and aging intensity functions. In this paper, we generalize their results and characterize some distributions through functions used by them and Glaser’s function. Kundu and Ghosh (2016) obtained similar results using reversed hazard rate, expected inactivity time and reversed aging intensity functions. We also, via w ( · ) -function defined by Cacoullos and Papathanasiou...

On lower bounds for the variance of functions of random variables

Faranak GoodarziMohammad AminiGholam Reza Mohtashami Borzadaran — 2021

Applications of Mathematics

In this paper, we obtain lower bounds for the variance of a function of random variables in terms of measures of reliability and entropy. Also based on the obtained characterization via the lower bounds for the variance of a function of random variable X , we find a characterization of the weighted function corresponding to density function f ( x ) , in terms of Chernoff-type inequalities. Subsequently, we obtain monotonic relationships between variance residual life and dynamic cumulative residual entropy...

Theoretical aspects of total time on test transform of weighted variables and applications

Although the total time on test () transform is not a newly discovered concept, it has many applications in various fields. On the other hand, weighted distributions are extensively developed by the statisticians to tackle the insufficiency of the standard statistical distributions in modeling the arising data from real-world problems in the contexts like medicine, ecology, and reliability engineering. This paper develops the transform for the weighted random variables and investigates the behavior...

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