Generalized nonlinear superposition principles for polynomial planar vector fields.
For an arbitrary analytic system which has a linear center at the origin we compute recursively all its Poincare-Lyapunov constants in terms of the coefficients of the system, giving an answer to the classical center problem. We also compute the coefficients of the Poincare series in terms of the same coefficients. The algorithm for these computations has an easy implementation. Our method does not need the computation of any definite or indefinite integral. We apply the algorithm to some polynomial...
In this work we study the integrability of two-dimensional autonomous system in the plane with linear part of center type and non-linear part given by homogeneous polynomials of fifth degree. We give a simple characterisation for the integrable cases in polar coordinates. Finally we formulate a conjecture about the independence of the two classes of parameters which appear on the system; if this conjecture is true the integrable cases found will be the only possible ones.
In this work we study the integrability of a two-dimensional autonomous system in the plane with linear part of center type and non-linear part given by homogeneous polynomials of fourth degree. We give sufficient conditions for integrability in polar coordinates. Finally we establish a conjecture about the independence of the two classes of parameters which appear in the system; if this conjecture is true the integrable cases found will be the only possible ones.
Let (P,Q) be a C vector field defined in a open subset U ⊂ R. We call a null divergence factor a C solution V (x, y) of the equation P ∂V/∂x + Q ∂V/ ∂y = ( ∂P/∂x + ∂Q/∂y ) V. In previous works it has been shown that this function plays a fundamental role in the problem of the center and in the determination of the limit cycles. In this paper we show how to construct systems with a given null divergence factor. The method presented in this paper is a generalization of the classical Darboux method...
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