We prove that a Banach space X with a supershrinking basis (a special type of shrinking basis) without copies is somewhat reflexive (every infinite-dimensional subspace contains an infinite-dimensional reflexive subspace). Furthermore, applying the -theorem by Rosenthal, it is proved that X contains order-one quasireflexive subspaces if X is not reflexive. Also, we obtain a characterization of the usual basis in .
We get a characterization of PCP in Banach spaces with shrinking basis. Also, we prove that the Radon-Nikodym and Krein-Milman properties are equivalent for closed, convex and bounded subsets of some Banach spaces with shrinking basis.
We obtain an existence-uniqueness result for
a second order Neumann boundary value problem including cases
where the nonlinearity possibly crosses several points of
resonance. Optimal and Schauder fixed points methods are used to
prove this kind of results.
We characterize the weak-star point of continuity property for subspaces of dual spaces with separable predual and we deduce that the weak-star point of continuity property is determined by subspaces with a Schauder basis in the natural setting of dual spaces of separable Banach spaces. As a consequence of the above characterization we show that a dual space has the Radon-Nikodym property if, and only if, every seminormalized topologically weak-star null tree has a boundedly complete branch, which...
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