Classification of Maximal Rank Curves in the Liasion Class Ln. Giorgio Bolondi; Juan Migliore — 1987 Mathematische Annalen
Construction of families of curves from finite length graded modules. Edoardo Ballico; Giorgio Bolondi — 1990 Manuscripta mathematica
On the homology groups of q -complete spaces Edoardo Ballico; Giorgio Bolondi — 1983 Rendiconti del Seminario Matematico della Università di Padova
Deformations of Arithmetically Cohen-Macaulay subvarieties of pn. Giorgio Bolondi; Rosa Maria Mirò-Roig — 1989 Manuscripta mathematica
The Lazarfeld-Rao property on an arithmetically Gorenstein variety. Giorgio Bolondi; Juan Carlos Migliore — 1993 Manuscripta mathematica
The Lazarsfeld-Rao problem for Buchsbaum curves Giorgio Bolondi; Juan C. Migliore — 1989 Rendiconti del Seminario Matematico della Università di Padova
On curves with natural cohomology and their deficiency modules Giorgio Bolondi; Jean-Claude Migliore — 1993 Annales de l'institut Fourier The minimal free resolution of the Hartshorne-Rao module of a curve with natural cohomology is studied, and conditions are given on the degrees and the ranks of the terms of this resolution.
Existence of open quasiconvex subsets dense in a given space Bolondi, Giorgio — 1981 Portugaliae mathematica
Maximal rank curves and singular points of the Hilbert scheme Giorgio Bolondi; Jan O. Kleppe; Rosa Maria Miro-Roig — 1991 Compositio Mathematica