On the representation of uniform structures by extended reticles
We prove two general theorems related to the smooth dependence on data of mild solutions to evolution Cauchy problems and provide some of their applications to the Faedo-Galerkin method for approximating solutions as well as to the existence and uniqueness of periodic solutions.
We extend the main result of CHOW-LASOTA [1] to evolution equations and show some applications of the outcome.
On caractérise la séparabilité des espaces par cinq conditions équivalentes, dont on en déduit la séparabilité faible du dual.
This paper provides some existence and uniqueness theorems for nonlinear systems of BVPs where the Green's functions for the linearization have constant sign (hence these results apply, e.g., to Dirichlet problems for elliptic PDEs as well as to various multipoint BVPs for higher order ODEs). Proofs are based on an original way of using the Linear Functional Analysis of ordered Banach spaces in connection with the traditional topological methods of Nonlinear Functional Analysis.
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