Could condom stop the AIDS epidemic?
Moghadas, Seyed M.; Gumel, Abba B.; McLeod, Robert; Gordon, Richard — 2003
Journal of Theoretical Medicine
We obtain some new properties of the class of KC-spaces, that is, those topological spaces in which compact sets are closed. The results are used to generalize theorems of Anderson [1] and Steiner and Steiner [12] concerning complementation in the lattice of -topologies on a set .
A in a space is a family of open subsets of such that for any . A set is if . If every neighbourhood assignment in has a closed and discrete (respectively, discrete) kernel, then is said to be a -space (respectively a dually discrete space). In this paper we show among other things that every GO-space is dually discrete, every subparacompact scattered space and every continuous image of a Lindelöf -space is a -space and we prove an addition theorem for metalindelöf spaces which...
Given a topological property (or a class) , the class dual to (with respect to neighbourhood assignments) consists of spaces such that for any neighbourhood assignment there is with and . The spaces from are called . We continue the study of this duality which constitutes a development of an idea of E. van Douwen used to define -spaces. We prove a number of results on duals of some general classes of spaces establishing, in particular, that any generalized ordered space of countable...
We study when a topological space has a weaker connected topology. Various sufficient and necessary conditions are given for a space to have a weaker Hausdorff or regular connected topology. It is proved that the property of a space of having a weaker Tychonoff topology is preserved by any of the free topological group functors. Examples are given for non-preservation of this property by “nice” continuous mappings. The requirement that a space have a weaker Tychonoff connected topology is rather...
It is shown that both the free topological group and the free Abelian topological group on a connected locally connected space are locally connected. For the Graev’s modification of the groups and , the corresponding result is more symmetric: the groups and are connected and locally connected if is. However, the free (Abelian) totally bounded group (resp., ) is not locally connected no matter how “good” a space is. The above results imply that every non-trivial continuous homomorphism...
We prove that it is independent of ZFC whether every Hausdorff countable space of weight less than has a dense regular subspace. Examples are given of countable Hausdorff spaces of weight which do not have dense Urysohn subspaces. We also construct an example of a countable Urysohn space, which has no dense completely Hausdorff subspace. On the other hand, we establish that every Hausdorff space of -weight less than has a dense completely Hausdorff (and hence Urysohn) subspace. We show that...
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