Electronic density at the nucleus. On a conjecture of Lieb Heinz Siedentop — 1994 Journées équations aux dérivées partielles
Asymptotic behavior of the ground state of large atoms Heinz Siedentop — 1989 Journées équations aux dérivées partielles
Regularization of atomic Schrödinger operators with magnetic field. Bernard Helffer; Heinz Siedentop — 1995 Mathematische Zeitschrift
On the leading correction of the Thomas-Fermi model: Lower bound. Heinz Siedentop; Rudi Weikard — 1989 Inventiones mathematicae
A new phase space localization technique with application to the sum of negative eigenvalues of Schrödinger operators Heinz Siedentop; Rudi Weikard — 1991 Annales scientifiques de l'École Normale Supérieure
Bounds on the excess charge and the ionization energy for the Hellmann-Weizsacker model Rafael Benguria; Stefan Hoops; Heinz Siedentop — 1992 Annales de l'I.H.P. Physique théorique
The essential spectrum of relativistic multi-particle operators Roger T. Lewis; Heinz Siedentop; Simeon Vugalter — 1997 Annales de l'I.H.P. Physique théorique
Stability of the Brown-Ravenhall operator. Hoever, Georg; Siedentop, Heinz — 1999 Mathematical Physics Electronic Journal [electronic only]
Form perturbations of the second quantized Dirac field. Helffer, Bernard; Siedentop, Heinz — 1998 Mathematical Physics Electronic Journal [electronic only]
The ground state energy of relativistic one-electron atoms according to Jansen and Heß. Brummelhuis, Raymond; Siedentop, Heinz; Stockmeyer, Edgardo — 2002 Documenta Mathematica
Stability of matter for the Hartree-Fock functional of the relativistic electron-positron field. Bach, Volker; Barbaroux, Jean-Marie; Helffer, Bernard; Siedentop, Heinz — 1998 Documenta Mathematica
A minimax principle for eigenvalues in spectral gaps: Dirac operators with Coulomb potentials. Griesemer, Marcel; Lewis, Roger T.; Siedentop, Heinz — 1999 Documenta Mathematica
The energy of heavy atoms according to Brown and Ravenhall: the Scott correction. Frank, Rupert L.; Siedentop, Heinz; Warzel, Simone — 2009 Documenta Mathematica