We consider shifted equality sets of the form , where and are nonerasing morphisms and is a letter. We are interested in the family consisting of the languages , where is a coding and is a shifted equality set. We prove several closure properties for this family. Moreover, we show that every recursively enumerable language is a projection of a shifted equality set, that is, for some (nonerasing) morphisms and and a letter , where deletes the letters not in . Then we deduce...
We consider shifted equality sets of the form , where
are nonerasing
morphisms and is a letter. We are interested in the family
consisting of the languages , where is a coding and
is a shifted equality set. We prove several closure
properties for this family. Moreover, we show that every
recursively enumerable language is a projection
of a shifted equality set, that is, for some (nonerasing) morphisms
and a
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