On difficulties in embedding lattice-ordered integral domains in lattice-ordered fields
CONTENTS§1. Introduction.......................................................................................................5§2. The construction of the Wallman cover.............................................................8§3. The minimal clopen cozero-complemented cover of a compact space............16§4. Wallman compactifications versus Wallman cover...........................................24References...........................................................................................................31...
Let G(X) denote the smallest (von Neumann) regular ring of real-valued functions with domain X that contains C(X), the ring of continuous real-valued functions on a Tikhonov topological space (X,τ). We investigate when G(X) coincides with the ring of continuous real-valued functions on the space , where is the smallest Tikhonov topology on X for which and is von Neumann regular. The compact and metric spaces for which are characterized. Necessary, and different sufficient, conditions...
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