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Testing on the first-order autoregressive model with contaminated exponential white noise finite sample case

Hocine Fellag — 2001

Discussiones Mathematicae Probability and Statistics

The testing problem on the first-order autoregressive parameter in finite sample case is considered. The innovations are distributed according to the exponential distribution. The aim of this paper is to study how much the size of this test changes when, at some time k, an innovation outlier contaminant occurs. We show that the test is rather sensitive to these changes.

Hurwicz's estimator of the autoregressive model with non-normal innovations

Youcef BerkounHocine Fellag — 2011

Applicationes Mathematicae

Using the Bahadur representation of a sample quantile for m-dependent and strong mixing random variables, we establish the asymptotic distribution of the Hurwicz estimator for the coefficient of autoregression in a linear process with innovations belonging to the domain of attraction of an α-stable law (1 < α < 2). The present paper extends Hurwicz's result to the autoregressive model.

Approximate bias for first-order autoregressive model with uniform innovations. Small sample case

Karima NoualiHocine Fellag — 2002

Discussiones Mathematicae Probability and Statistics

The first-order autoregressive model with uniform innovations is considered. The approximate bias of the maximum likelihood estimator (MLE) of the parameter is obtained. Also, a formula for the approximate bias is given when a single outlier occurs at a specified time with a known amplitude. Simulation procedures confirm that our formulas are suitable. A small sample case is considered only.

Unit root test under innovation outlier contamination small sample case

Lynda AtilHocine FellagKarima Nouali — 2006

Discussiones Mathematicae Probability and Statistics

The two sided unit root test of a first-order autoregressive model in the presence of an innovation outlier is considered. In this paper, we present three tests; two are usual and one is new. We give formulas computing the size and the power of the three tests when an innovation outlier (IO) occurs at a specified time, say k. Using a comparative study, we show that the new statistic performs better under contamination. A Small sample case is considered only.

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