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Special modules for R ( PSL ( 2 , q ) )

Liufeng CaoHuixiang Chen — 2023

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

Let R be a fusion ring and R : = R be the corresponding fusion algebra. We first show that the algebra R has only one left (right, two-sided) cell and the corresponding left (right, two-sided) cell module. Then we prove that, up to isomorphism, R admits a unique special module, which is 1-dimensional and given by the Frobenius-Perron homomorphism FPdim. Moreover, as an example, we explicitly determine the special module of the interpolated fusion algebra R ( PSL ( 2 , q ) ) : = r ( PSL ( 2 , q ) ) up to isomorphism, where r ( PSL ( 2 , q ) ) is the interpolated...

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