The reliability of an element with alternating failure rate
Rozpatrzmy system, w którym mamy pewną liczbę maszyn przeznaczonych do pracy i jednego konserwatora do obsługi tych maszyn. Załóżmy że każda maszyna pracującaw tym systemie może ulec uszkodzeniu i wówczas powinna być naprawiana przez konserwatora. Przyjmijmy, że maszyny naprawiane są w kolejności uszkodzeń, a naprawa w pełni przywraca zdolność maszyn do pracy.
We assume that the current score of a basketball game can be modeled by a bivariate cumulative process based on some marked renewal process. The basic element of a game is a cycle, which is concluded whenever a team scores. This paper deals with the joint probability distribution function of this cumulative process, the process describing the host's advantage and its expected value. The practical usefulness of the model is demonstrated by analyzing the effect of small modifications of the model...
The recurrence formulas for the probability distribution function of the maximum length of a series of 1's in a binary 0-1 Markovian sequence are analysed and the limiting distribution estimated. The result is used to test a semi-Markov model of basketball games.
One of the basic characteristics of queueing systems is the stochastic process {n(t),t≥0}, which is defined to be the number of units present in the system at time t. In certain cases, this process is Markovian and then its analysis is relatively simple. When the process {n(t),t≥0} is not Markovian, its "Markovization'' can be accomplished by a suitable extension of the states of the system or by the construction of a suitable imbedded Markov chain. The method of extension of the states of the system,...
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