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Monotone normality and extension of functions

Ian Stares — 1995

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

We provide a characterisation of monotone normality with an analogue of the Tietze-Urysohn theorem for monotonically normal spaces as well as answer a question due to San-ou concerning the extension of Urysohn functions in monotonically normal spaces. We also extend a result of van Douwen, giving a characterisation of K 0 -spaces in terms of semi-continuous functions, as well as answer another question of San-ou concerning semi-continuous Urysohn functions.

Decreasing (G) spaces

Ian Stares — 1998

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

We consider the class of decreasing (G) spaces introduced by Collins and Roscoe and address the question as to whether it coincides with the class of decreasing (A) spaces. We provide a partial solution to this problem (the answer is yes for homogeneous spaces). We also express decreasing (G) as a monotone normality type condition and explore the preservation of decreasing (G) type properties under closed maps. The corresponding results for decreasing (A) spaces are unknown.

New proofs of classical insertion theorems

Chris GoodIan Stares — 2000

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

We provide new proofs for the classical insertion theorems of Dowker and Michael. The proofs are geometric in nature and highlight the connection with the preservation of normality in products. Both proofs follow directly from the Katětov-Tong insertion theorem and we also discuss a proof of this.

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