We estimate the constant in the strengthened Cauchy-Bunyakowski-Schwarz inequality for hierarchical bilinear finite element spaces and elliptic partial differential equations with coefficients corresponding to anisotropy (orthotropy). It is shown that there is a nontrivial universal estimate, which does not depend on anisotropy. Moreover, this estimate is sharp and the same as for hierarchical linear finite element spaces.
We introduce a new tool for obtaining efficient a posteriori estimates of errors of approximate solutions of differential equations the data of which depend linearly on random parameters. The solution method is the stochastic Galerkin method. Polynomial chaos expansion of the solution is considered and the approximation spaces are tensor products of univariate polynomials in random variables and of finite element basis functions. We derive a uniform upper bound to the strengthened Cauchy-Bunyakowski-Schwarz...
We extend the analysis of the recently proposed nonlinear EIS scheme applied to the partial eigenvalue problem. We address the case where the Rayleigh quotient iteration is used as the smoother on the fine-level. Unlike in our previous theoretical results, where the smoother given by the linear inverse power method is assumed, we prove nonlinear speed-up when the approximation becomes close to the exact solution. The speed-up is cubic. Unlike existent convergence estimates for the Rayleigh quotient...
A method of characterizing all eigenvalues of a preconditioned discretized scalar diffusion operator with Dirichlet boundary conditions has been recently introduced in Gergelits, Mardal, Nielsen, and Strakoš (2019). Motivated by this paper, we offer a slightly different approach that extends the previous results in some directions. Namely, we provide bounds on all increasingly ordered eigenvalues of a general diffusion or elasticity operator with tensor data, discretized with the conforming finite...
We introduce a new way of the analysis of iterative aggregation-disaggregation
methods for computing stationary probability distribution vectors of stochastic matrices. This new approach is based on the Fourier transform of the
error propagation matrix. Exact formula for its spectrum can be obtained if the stochastic matrix is circulant. Some examples are presented.
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