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Valuations on modular lattices

Ján Jakubík — 1991

Mathematica Bohemica

It is well-known that there exist infinite modular lattices possessing no non-trivial valuations. In this paper a class 𝒦 of modular lattices is defined and it is proved that each lattice belonging to 𝒦 has a nontrivial valuation. Next, a result of G . Birkhoff concerning valuations on modular lattices of finite length is generalized.

Sequential convergences in lattices

Ján Jakubík — 1992

Mathematica Bohemica

The notion of sequential convergence on a lattice is defined in a natural way. In the present paper we investigate the system C o n v L of all sequential convergences on a lattice L .

On directed groups with additional operations

Ján Jakubík — 1993

Mathematica Bohemica

This paper deals with a question concerning d -ideals of d -groups which was proposed by V. M. Kopytov and Z. J. Dimitrov. We shall also investigate a class of d -groups which is in a certain sense near to the class of all lattice ordered groups.

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