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Div-curl lemma revisited: Applications in electromagnetism

Marián SlodičkaJán Jr. Buša — 2010


Two new time-dependent versions of div-curl results in a bounded domain Ω 3 are presented. We study a limit of the product v k w k , where the sequences v k and w k belong to Ł 2 ( Ω ) . In Theorem 2.1 we assume that × v k is bounded in the L p -norm and · w k is controlled in the L r -norm. In Theorem 2.2 we suppose that × w k is bounded in the L p -norm and · w k is controlled in the L r -norm. The time derivative of w k is bounded in both cases in the norm of - 1 ( Ω ) . The convergence (in the sense of distributions) of v k w k to the product v w of weak limits...

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