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Standard exact projective resolutions relative to a countable class of Fréchet spaces

P. DomańskiJ. KroneD. Vogt — 1997

Studia Mathematica

We will show that for each sequence of quasinormable Fréchet spaces ( E n ) there is a Köthe space λ such that E x t 1 ( λ ( A ) , λ ( A ) = E x t 1 ( λ ( A ) , E n ) = 0 and there are exact sequences of the form . . . λ ( A ) λ ( A ) λ ( A ) λ ( A ) E n 0 . If, for a fixed ℕ, E n is nuclear or a Köthe sequence space, the resolution above may be reduced to a short exact sequence of the form 0 λ ( A ) λ ( A ) E n 0 . The result has some applications in the theory of the functor E x t 1 in various categories of Fréchet spaces by providing a substitute for non-existing projective resolutions.

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