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Indecision in Neural Decision Making Models

J. MiltonP. NaikC. ChanS. A. Campbell — 2010

Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena

Computational models for human decision making are typically based on the properties of bistable dynamical systems where each attractor represents a different decision. A limitation of these models is that they do not readily account for the fragilities of human decision making, such as “choking under pressure”, indecisiveness and the role of past experiences on current decision making. Here we examine the dynamics of a model of two interacting neural populations with mutual time–delayed inhibition....

A Team Approach to Undergraduate Research in Biomathematics: Balance Control

J. MiltonA. RadunskayaW. OuT. Ohira — 2011

Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena

The question, how does an organism maintain balance? provides a unifying theme to introduce undergraduate students to the use of mathematics and modeling techniques in biological research. The availability of inexpensive high speed motion capture cameras makes it possible to collect the precise and reliable data that facilitates the development of relevant mathematical models. An in–house laboratory component ensures that students have the opportunity...

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