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Beliefs about beliefs, a theory for stochastic assessment of subjective probabilities.

James M. Dickey — 1980

Trabajos de Estadística e Investigación Operativa

Parameterized families of subjective probability distributions can be used to great advantage to model beliefs of experts, especially when such models include dependence on concomitant variables. In one such model, probabilities of simple events can be expressed in loglinear form. In another, a generalization of the multivariate t distribution has concomitant variables entering linearly through the location vector. Interactive interview methods for assessing this second model and matrix extensions...

Coherence of models and utilities: Discussion.

Discussion on the papers by Leonard, Tom, The roles of inductive modelling and coherence in Bayesian statistics and by Novick, Melvin R., Dekeyrel, D.F. and Chuang, D.T., Local and regional coherence utility assessment procedures, both of them part of a round table on Coherence of models and utilities held in the First International Congress on Bayesian Methods (Valencia, Spain, 28 May - 2 June 1979).

Likelihood, sufficiency and ancillarity: Discussion.

George A. BarnardP. R. FreemanDaniel PeñaJames M. DickeySeymour GeisserDennis V. LindleyAnthony O'HaganAdrian F. M. Smith — 1980

Trabajos de Estadística e Investigación Operativa

Discussion on the papers by Akaike, Hirotugu, Likelihood and the Bayes procedure and by Dawid, A. Philip, A Bayesian look at nuisance parameters, both of them part of a round table on Likelihood, sufficiency and ancillarity held in the First International Congress on Bayesian Methods (Valencia, Spain, 28 May - 2 June 1979).

Foundations of subjective probability and decision making: Discussion.

Irving John GoodLudovico PiccinatoCesáreo VillegasJames M. DickeyMorris H. DeGrootDonald A. S. FraserSimon FrenchDennis V. Lindley — 1980

Trabajos de Estadística e Investigación Operativa

Discussion on the papers by Girón, F. J. and Ríos, S., Quasi-Bayesian behaviour: a more realistic approach to dicision making? and by Hill, B. M., On finite additivity, non-conglomerability and statistical paradoxes, both of them part of a round table on Foundations of Subjective Probability and Decision Making held in the First International Congress on Bayesian Methods (Valencia, Spain, 28 May - 2 June 1979).

Bayesian and non-Bayesian conditional inference: Discussion.

A. Philip DawidMorris H. DeGrootJames M. DickeyIrving John GoodBruce M. HillJoseph B. KadaneTom LeonardDennis B. LindleyArnold Zellner — 1980

Trabajos de Estadística e Investigación Operativa

Discussion on the paper by Barnard, George A., Pivotal inference and the Bayesian controversy, part of a round table on Bayesian and non-Bayesian conditional inference held in the First International Congress on Bayesian Methods (Valencia, Spain, 28 May - 2 June 1979).

Sequential learning, discontinuities and changes: Discussion.

Stephen E. FienbergJosé M. BernardoPhilip J. BrownA. Philip DawidJames M. DickeyJoseph B. KadaneTom Leonard — 1980

Trabajos de Estadística e Investigación Operativa

Discussion on the papers by Makov, Udi E., Approximation of unsupervised Bayes learning procedures, Smith, Adrian F. M., Change-Point problems: approaches and applications and by Harrison, P. J. and Smith Jim Q., Discontinuity, decision and conflict, the three of them part of a round table on Sequential learning, discontinuities and changes held in the First International Congress on Bayesian Methods (Valencia, Spain, 28 May - 2 June 1979).

Sensitivity to models: Discussion.

William F. EddyAnthony O'HaganJosé M. BernardoPhilip J. BrownA. Philip DawidJames M. DickeyIrving John GoodAdrian F. M. Smith — 1980

Trabajos de Estadística e Investigación Operativa

Discussion on the papers by Freeman, Peter R., On the number of outliers in data from a linear model and by Box, George E. P., Sampling inference, Bayes' inference and robustness in the advancement of learning, both of them part of a round table on Sensitivity to models held in the First International Congress on Bayesian Methods (Valencia, Spain, 28 May - 2 June 1979).

Hypothesis testing: Discussion.

Discussion on the papers by Zellner, Arnold and Siow, Aloysius, Posterior odds ratios for selected regression hypotheses and by Bernardo, José M., A Bayesian analysis of classical hypotheses testing, both of them part of a round table on Hypothesis testing held in the First International Congress on Bayesian Methods (Valencia, Spain, 28 May - 2 June 1979).

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