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More on betweenness-uniform graphs

Jana Coroničová HurajováTomáš Madaras — 2018

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

We study graphs whose vertices possess the same value of betweenness centrality (which is defined as the sum of relative numbers of shortest paths passing through a given vertex). Extending previously known results of S. Gago, J. Hurajová, T. Madaras (2013), we show that, apart of cycles, such graphs cannot contain 2-valent vertices and, moreover, are 3-connected if their diameter is 2. In addition, we prove that the betweenness uniformity is satisfied in a wide graph family of semi-symmetric graphs,...

On betweenness-uniform graphs

Silvia GagoJana Coroničová HurajováTomáš Madaras — 2013

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

The betweenness centrality of a vertex of a graph is the fraction of shortest paths between all pairs of vertices passing through that vertex. In this paper, we study properties and constructions of graphs whose vertices have the same value of betweenness centrality (betweenness-uniform graphs); we show that this property holds for distance-regular graphs (which include strongly regular graphs) and various graphs obtained by graph cloning and local join operation. In addition, we show that, for...

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