The role of functional equations in stochastic model building. Janos Galambos — 1982 Aequationes mathematicae
The absolute continuity of a limit law for Sylvester series Janos Galambos — 1977 Compositio Mathematica
An iterated logarithm type theorem for the largest coefficient in continued fractions János Galambos — 1974 Acta Arithmetica
On the asymptotic distribution of values of arithmetical functions János Galambos — 1972 Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali. Rendiconti In questa Nota si studia la distribuzione asintotica di funzioni aritmetiche non necessariamente additive o moltiplicative.
Correction to my paper: “Uniformly distributed sequences mod 1 and Cantor's series representation” János Galambos — 1977 Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal
Uniformly distributed sequences mod 1 and Cantor's series representation János Galambos — 1976 Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal
The Continuity of the Limiting Distribution of a Function of Two Additive Functions. Janos Galambos; Imre Kátai — 1990 Mathematische Zeitschrift
On the distribution of multiplicative arithmetical functions Janos Galambos; Peter Szüsz — 1986 Acta Arithmetica
Metric properties of alternating Oppenheim expansions János Galambos; Imre Kátai; Min-Young Lee — 2003 Acta Arithmetica