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Inverse problem for networks of laser interferometers

Piotr Jaranowski — 1997

Banach Center Publications

Estimation of the parameters of the gravitational-wave signal from a coalescing binary by a network of laser interferometers is considered. A generalization of the solution of the inverse problem found previously for the network of 3 detectors to the network of N detectors is given. Maximum likelihood and least squares estimators are applied to obtain the solution. Accuracy of the estimation of the parameters is assessed from the inverse of the Fisher information matrix. The results of the Monte...

Technicalities in the calculation of the 3rd post-Newtonian dynamics

Piotr Jaranowski — 1997

Banach Center Publications

Dynamics of a point-particle system interacting gravitationally according to the general theory of relativity can be analyzed within the canonical formalism of Arnowitt, Deser, and Misner. To describe the property of being a point particle one can employ Dirac delta distribution in the energy-momentum tensor of the system. We report some mathematical difficulties which arise in deriving the 3rd post-Newtonian Hamilton's function for such a system. We also offer ways to overcome partially these difficulties....

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