O šestnáctém Hilbertově problému
In this paper some relation among the Dirac operator on a Riemannian spin-manifold , its projection on some embedded hypersurface and the Dirac operator on with respect to the induced (called standard) spin structure are given.
The aim of the first part of a series of papers is to give a description of invariant differential operators on manifolds with an almost Hermitian symmetric structure of the type which are defined on bundles associated to the reducible but undecomposable representation of the parabolic subgroup of the Lie group . One example of an operator of this type is the Penrose’s local twistor transport. In this part general theory is presented, and conformally invariant operators are studied in more...
In this paper some properties of an immersion of two-dimensional surface with boundary into are studied. The main tool is the maximal principle property of a solution of the elliptic system of partial differential equations. Some conditions for a surface to be a part of a 2-dimensional spheren in are presented.
A multisymplectic 3-structure on an -dimensional manifold is given by a closed smooth 3-form of maximal rank on which is of the same algebraic type at each point of , i.e. they belong to the same orbit under the action of the group . This means that for each point the form is isomorphic to a chosen canonical 3-form on . [Linear Multilinear Algebra 10, 183–204 (1981; Zbl 0464.15001)] and [Linear Multilinear Algebra 13, 3–39 (1983; Zbl 0515.15011)] obtained the classification of 3-forms...
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