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Convergence analysis for asymmetric Deffuant-Weisbuch model

Jiangbo Zhang — 2014


In this paper, we investigate the convergence behavior of the asymmetric Deffuant-Weisbuch (DW) models during the opinion evolution. Based on the convergence of the asymmetric DW model that generalizes the conventional DW model, we first propose a new concept, the separation time, to study the transient behavior during the DW model's opinion evolution. Then we provide an upper bound of the expected separation time with the help of stochastic analysis. Finally, we show relations of the separation...

Limit state analysis on the un-repeated multiple selection bounded confidence model

Jiangbo ZhangYiyi Zhao — 2023


In this paper, we study the opinion evolution over social networks with a bounded confidence rule. Node initial opinions are independently and identically distributed. At each time step, each node reviews the average opinions of several different randomly selected agents and updates its opinion only when the difference between its opinion and the average is below a threshold. First of all, we provide probability bounds of the opinion convergence and the opinion consensus, are both nontrivial events...

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