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Some results on Sylow numbers of finite groups

Yang LiuJinjie Zhang — 2024

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

We study the group structure in terms of the number of Sylow p -subgroups, which is denoted by n p ( G ) . The first part is on the group structure of finite group G such that n p ( G ) = n p ( G / N ) , where N is a normal subgroup of G . The second part is on the average Sylow number asn ( G ) and we prove that if G is a finite nonsolvable group with asn ( G ) < 39 / 4 and asn ( G ) 29 / 4 , then G / F ( G ) A 5 , where F ( G ) is the Fitting subgroup of G . In the third part, we study the nonsolvable group with small sum of Sylow numbers.

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