Guy and Harary (1967) have shown that, for , the graph is homeomorphic to the Möbius ladder , so that its crossing number is one; it is well known that is planar. Exoo, Harary and Kabell (1981) have shown hat the crossing number of is three, for Fiorini (1986) and Richter and Salazar (2002) have shown that has crossing number two and that has crossing number , provided . We extend this result by showing that also has crossing number for all .
A real symmetric matrix G with zero diagonal encodes the adjacencies of the vertices of a graph G with weighted edges and no loops. A graph associated with a n × n non–singular matrix with zero entries on the diagonal such that all its (n − 1) × (n − 1) principal submatrices are singular is said to be a NSSD. We show that the class of NSSDs is closed under taking the inverse of G. We present results on the nullities of one– and two–vertex deleted subgraphs of a NSSD. It is shown that a necessary...
The nullity of a graph is the multiplicity of zero as an eigenvalue in the spectrum of its adjacency matrix. From the interlacing theorem, derived from Cauchy’s inequalities for matrices, a vertex of a graph can be a core vertex if, on deleting the vertex, the nullity decreases, or a Fiedler vertex, otherwise. We adopt a graph theoretical approach to determine conditions required for the identification of a pair of prescribed types of root vertices of two graphs to form a cut-vertex of unique...
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