A graph is degree-continuous if the degrees of every two adjacent vertices of differ by at most 1. A finite nonempty set of integers is convex if for every integer with . It is shown that for all integers and and a convex set with and , there exists a connected degree-continuous graph with the degree set and diameter . The minimum order of a degree-continuous graph with a prescribed degree set is studied. Furthermore, it is shown that for every graph and convex set of...
We consider, for a positive integer , induced subgraphs in which each component has order at most . Such a subgraph is said to be -divided. We show that finding large induced subgraphs with this property is NP-complete. We also consider a related graph-coloring problem: how many colors are required in a vertex coloring in which each color class induces a -divided subgraph. We show that the problem of determining whether some given number of colors suffice is NP-complete, even for -coloring...
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