This paper presents an account of some recent approaches to the Invariant Subspace Problem. It contains a brief historical account of the problem, and some more detailed discussions of specific topics, namely, universal operators, the Bishop operators, and Read’s Banach space counter-example involving a finitely strictly singular operator.
This paper analyzes the BIBO stability of fractional exponential delay systems which are of retarded or neutral type. Conditions ensuring stability are given first. As is the case for the classical class of delay systems these conditions can be expressed in terms of the location of the poles of the system. Then, in view of constructing robust BIBO stabilizing controllers, explicit expressions of coprime and Bézout factors of these systems are determined. Moreover, nuclearity is analyzed in a particular...
For an absolutely continuous contraction T on a Hilbert space 𝓗, it is shown that the factorization of various classes of L¹ functions f by vectors x and y in 𝓗, in the sense that ⟨Tⁿx,y⟩ = f̂(-n) for n ≥ 0, implies the existence of invariant subspaces for T, or in some cases for rational functions of T. One of the main tools employed is the operator-valued Poisson kernel. Finally, a link is established between L¹ factorizations and the moment sequences studied in the Atzmon-Godefroy method, from...
We show that the Angle Criterion for testing supercyclic vectors depends in an essential way on the geometrical properties of the underlying space. In particular, we exhibit non-supercyclic vectors for the backward shift acting on c₀ that still satisfy such a criterion. Nevertheless, if ℬ is a locally uniformly convex Banach space, the Angle Criterion yields an equivalent condition for a vector to be supercyclic. Furthermore, we prove that local uniform convexity cannot be weakened to strict convexity....
A generalization of the Aleksandrov operator is provided, in order to represent the adjoint of a weighted composition operator on by means of an integral with respect to a measure. In particular, we show the existence of a family of measures which represents the adjoint of a weighted composition operator under fairly mild assumptions, and we discuss not only uniqueness but also the generalization of Aleksandrov–Clark measures which corresponds to the unweighted case, that is, to the adjoint of...
The theory of quasimultipliers in Banach algebras is developed in order to provide a mechanism for defining the boundary values of analytic semigroups on a sector in the complex plane. Then, some methods are presented for deriving lower estimates for operators defined in terms of quasinilpotent semigroups using techniques from the theory of complex analysis.
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