This paper analyzes a model of formation of connected coalitions in a cooperative game. This model is a communication situation, and the Shapley value of this graph-restricted game is the Myerson value. The potential function for cooperative games was defined by Hart and Mas-Colell, and Winter showed that the Myerson value admits a potential function. We study a recursive procedure for computing the potential of the Myerson value. In section 3, we use the Myerson value for measuring voting power...
We consider games of transferable utility, those that deal with partial cooperation situations, made up of coalition systems, in which every unit coalition is feasible and every coalition of players can be expressed as a disjoint union of maximal feasible coalitions. These systems are named partition systems and cause restricted games. To sum up, we study feasible coalition systems delined by a partial order designed for a set of players and we analyze the characteristics of a feasible coalition...
En este trabajo se definen algoritmos, basados en funciones generatrices, para calcular el índice de poder de Banzhaf en juegos simples de votación ponderada y en juegos de doble y triple mayoría. La utilización de funciones generatrices permite un cálculo exacto del índice de Banzhaf con una reducción sensible de la complejidad temporal. Además se calculan los índices de Banzhaf para las reglas de decisión, aprobadas en la cumbre de Niza, que se utilizarán en la Unión Europea ampliada a 27 países....
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