Let A be a finite-dimensional algebra which is quasi-hereditary with respect to the poset (Λ, ≤), with standard modules Δ(λ) for λ ∈ Λ. Let ℱ(Δ) be the category of A-modules which have filtrations where the quotients are standard modules. We determine some inductive results on the relative Auslander-Reiten quiver of ℱ(Δ).
Let A = kQ/I be a finite dimensional basic algebra over an algebraically closed field k presented by its quiver Q with relations I. A fundamental problem in the representation theory of algebras is to decide whether or not A is of tame or wild type. In this paper we consider triangular algebras A whose quiver Q has no oriented paths. We say that A is essentially sincere if there is an indecomposable (finite dimensional) A-module whose support contains all extreme vertices of Q. We prove that if...
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