Bajo un planteamiento difuso del Problema General de Decisión Unipersonal, se propone un método que permite definir una función de utilidad para este problema. Dicha función se muestra como una familia de funciones de utilidad, la cual se considera como la "utilidad difusa" que sirve para resolver el problema que se plantea en los distintos contextos.
Fuzzy rule based termination criteria are introduced in two conventional and exact algorithms solving Knapsack Problems. As a consequence two new solution algorithms are obtained. These algorithms are heuristic ones with a high performance. The efficiency of the algorithms obtained is illustrated by solving some numerical examples.
In this paper a formulation for the fuzzy p-median model in a fuzzy environment is presented. The model allows to find optimal locations of p facilities and their related cost when data related to the node demands and the edge distances are imprecise and uncertain and also to know the degree of certainty of the solution. For the sake of illustration, the proposed model is applied in a reduced map of Kinshasa (Democratic Republic of Congo) obtaining results which are rather than realistic ones.
Two different definitions of a Fuzzy number may be found in the literature. Both fulfill Goguen's Fuzzification Principle but are different in nature because of their different starting points.
The first one was introduced by Zadeh and has well suited arithmetic and algebraic properties. The second one, introduced by Gantner, Steinlage and Warren, is a good and formal representation of the concept from a topological point of view.
The objective of this paper is to analyze...
Genetic algorithms are adaptive methods that use principles inspired by natural population genetics to evolve solutions to search and optimization problems. Genetic algorithms process a population of search space solutions with three operations: selection, crossover and mutation. A great problem in the use of genetic algorithms is premature convergence; the search becomes trapped in a local optimum before the global optimum is found. Fuzzy logic techniques may be used for solving this problem. This...
In this paper some problems arising in the interface between two different areas, Decision Support Systems and Fuzzy Sets and Systems, are considered. The Model-Base Management System of a Decision Support System which involves some fuzziness is considered, and in that context the question, first, of the practical determination of membership functions, second of the management of the fuzziness in some optimisation models, and finally of using fuzzy rules for terminating conventional algorithms are...
Basándonos en algunas definiciones previas, se analiza el problema del árbol generador difuso. En primer lugar se trata su existencia y después se encuentra el árbol generador difuso de mínimo costo mediante una descomposición por α-cortes. El estudio se realiza para dos estructuras diferentes de costos.
En este artículo se propone una solución difusa al problema Multiobjetivo Lineal Difuso. Tal solución contiene, como valores particulares, las soluciones puntuales que otros autores han obtenido. El método que se emplea es independiente de las funciones de pertenencia que se consideren. El problema también se extiende al caso en que el conjunto de restricciones sea, junto con los objetivos, difuso.
En este artículo se considera un programa de Programación Lineal en el que los coeficientes del sistema de inecuaciones lineales, que definen el conjunto de restricciones, están dados de forma imprecisa o vaga. Se supone entonces que tales coeficientes pueden ser definidos mediante números difusos. Se propone un enfoque de resolución basado en las distintas versiones existentes para la comparación de números difusos. Finalmente, se obtienen diferentes modelos auxiliares de Programación Lineal, que...
Location problems concern a wide set of fields where it is usually assumed that exact data are known. However, in real applications, the location of the facility considered can be full of linguistic vagueness, that can be appropriately modeled using networks with fuzzy values. In that way arise Fuzzy Location Problems; this paper deals with their general formulation and the description solution methods. Namely we show the variety of problems that can be considered in this context and, for some of...
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