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Currently displaying 1 – 20 of 43

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Improved Heinz inequalities via the Jensen functional

Mario KrnićJosip Pečarić — 2013

Open Mathematics

By virtue of convexity of Heinz means, in this paper we derive several refinements of Heinz norm inequalities with the help of the Jensen functional and its properties. In addition, we discuss another approach to Heinz operator means which is more convenient for obtaining the corresponding operator inequalities for positive invertible operators.

Generalizations of Jensen-Steffensen and related integral inequalities for superquadratic functions

Shoshana AbramovichSlavica IvelićJosip Pečarić — 2010

Open Mathematics

We present integral versions of some recently proved results which improve the Jensen-Steffensen and related inequalities for superquadratic functions. For superquadratic functions which are not convex we get inequalities analogous to the integral Jensen-Steffensen inequality for convex functions. Therefore, we get refinements of all the results which use only the convexity of these functions. One of the inequalities that we obtain for a superquadratic function φ is y ¯ φ x ¯ + 1 λ β - λ α α β φ f t - x ¯ d λ t , where x ¯ = 1 λ β - λ α α β f t d λ t and y ¯ = 1 λ β - λ α α β φ f t d λ t which under...

Extensions and improvements of Sherman’s and related inequalities forn-convex functions

Slavica Ivelić BradanovićJosip Pečarić — 2017

Open Mathematics

This paper gives extensions and improvements of Sherman’s inequality for n-convex functions obtained by using new identities which involve Green’s functions and Fink’s identity. Moreover, extensions and improvements of Majorization inequality as well as Jensen’s inequality are obtained as direct consequences. New inequalities between geometric, logarithmic and arithmetic means are also established.

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