Caractérisation de la dérivabilité des fonctions à partir de la dérivée directionnelle.
The aim of this paper is to study the effect of vibrations on convective instability of reaction fronts in porous media. The model contains reaction-diffusion equations coupled with the Darcy equation. Linear stability analysis is carried out and the convective instability boundary is found. The results are compared with direct numerical simulations.
We study the influence of natural convection on stability of reaction fronts in porous media. The model consists of the heat equation, of the equation for the depth of conversion and of the equations of motion under the Darcy law. Linear stability analysis of the problem is fulfilled, the stability boundary is found. Direct numerical simulations are performed and compared with the linear stability analysis.
Propagation of polymerization fronts with liquid monomer and liquid polymer is considered and the influence of vibrations on critical conditions of convective instability is studied. The model includes the heat equation, the equation for the concentration and the Navier-Stokes equations considered under the Boussinesq approximation. Linear stability analysis of the problem is fulfilled, and the convective instability boundary is found depending on...
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