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A model for some analytic Toeplitz operators

K. Rudol — 1991

Studia Mathematica

We present a change of variable method and use it to prove the equivalence to bundle shifts for certain analytic Toeplitz operators on the Banach spaces H p ( G ) ( 1 p < ) . In Section 2 we see this approach applied in the analysis of essential spectra. Some partial results were obtained in [9] in the Hilbert space case.

Spectra of subnormal Hardy type operators

K. Rudol — 1997

Annales Polonici Mathematici

The essential spectrum of bundle shifts over Parreau-Widom domains is studied. Such shifts are models for subnormal operators of special (Hardy) type considered earlier in [AD], [R1] and [R2]. By relating a subnormal operator to the fiber of the maximal ideal space, an application to cluster values of bounded analytic functions is obtained.

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