Scientific and economic development in the second half of XIX century forced changes in school-teaching of mathematics. Among variety of reforms the German Merano Program (1905) was outstanding. The key concepts of this program was introduced also in Polish schools in that time. The article contains source data which support this statement. PROGRAM MERANSKI W POLSCEPostep naukowy i gospodarczy w drugiej połowie XIX wieku wymusił zmianyw szkolnym nauczaniu matematyki. Wsród podejmowanych w wielu...
W tomie X Wiadomości Matematycznych z roku 1906 ukazała się następującawiadomość:Wiadomość o zawiązaniu i pierwszych pracach Koła matematyczno-fizycznego Gdy na początku zeszłego 1905-go roku po całem Królestwie rozlegać się zaczęło hasło walki o szkołę polską, jednocześnie w społeczeństwie naszem rosnąć i odczuwać się dała potrzeba przygotowania się do przyjęcia na własne barki wysoce ważnego i odpowiedzialnego obowiązku kształcenia przyszłych pokoleń narodu. W tym mianowicie czasie powstała w...
Scientific and economic development in the second half of XIX century forcedchanges in school-teaching of mathematics. Among variety of reformsthe German Merano Program (1905) was outstanding. The key concepts ofthis program was introduced also in Polish schools in that time. The articlecontains source data which support this statement.PROGRAM MERANSKI W POLSCEPostep naukowy i gospodarczy w drugiej połowie XIX wieku wymusił zmianyw szkolnym nauczaniu matematyki. Wsród podejmowanych w wielu krajachreform...
Teaching of trigonometry in secondary school in Poland have been conducted within a definite period of time. Introduced by the Commission of National Education, it existed as an independent branch of mathematics taught at school until the reform of 1966. In this article the changing range and methods of trigonometry teaching based on school textbooks’ content are being discussed. Trigonometry appeared as a part of geometry showing ways of finding unknown elements of a triangle when three other elements...
After regaining independence Polish educational system was organized according to the concept developed by teaching circles and based on the educational systems left by three different partitioners. During 20 years many corrections had been made until the introduction of the fundamental educational reform in 1932. In this article syllabi of mathematics taught in secondary school, their subsequent changes and social expectations of mathematical education are being described. Quite detailed analysis...
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