Local and global nonexistence of solutions to semilinear evolution equations.
We consider the systems of hyperbolic equations ⎧, t > 0, , (S1) ⎨ ⎩, t > 0, ⎧, t > 0, , (S2) ⎨ ⎩, t > 0, , (S3) ⎧, t > 0, , ⎨ ⎩, t > 0, , in with u(0,x) = u₀(x), v(0,x) = v₀(x), uₜ(0,x) = u₁(x), vₜ(0,x) = v₁(x). We show that, in each case, there exists a bound B on N such that for 1 ≤ N ≤ B solutions to the systems blow up in finite time.
This paper provides blow up results of Fujita type for a reaction-diffusion system of 3 equations in the form , , , for , t > 0, p > 0, q > 0, r > 0, , under initial conditions u(0,x) = u₀(x), v(0,x) = v₀(x), w(0,x) = w₀(x) for , where u₀, v₀, w₀ are nonnegative, continuous and bounded functions. Subject to conditions on dependence on the parameters p, q, r, N and the growth of the functions h, k, l at infinity, we prove finite blow up time for every solution of the above system,...
We consider the linear convection-diffusion equation associated to higher order elliptic operators ⎧ ut + Ltu = a∇u on Rnx(0,∞) ⎩ u(0) = u0 ∈ L1(Rn), where a is a constant vector in Rn, m ∈ N*, n ≥ 1 and L0 belongs to a class of higher order elliptic operators in divergence form associated to non-smooth...
We consider a special type of a one-dimensional quasilinear wave equation w - phi (w / w) w = 0 in a bounded domain with Dirichlet boundary conditions and show that classical solutions blow up in finite time even for small initial data in some norm.
We prove global existence and stability results for a semilinear parabolic equation, a semilinear functional equation and a semilinear integral equation using an inequality which may be viewed as a nonlinear singular version of the well known Gronwall and Bihari inequalities.
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