Some generalizations of the approximation theorem of Wong-Zakai type for stochastic differential equations are examined. One of them deals with functional stochastic differential equations defined on some spaces of continuous functions. The second one concerns the situations when the state space and the Wiener process have values in some Hilbert spaces. The comparison of these results as well as some examples are also included. The correction terms computed here are then applied to the derivation...
The authors show that the stochastic evolution equation with Lasota infinitesimal generator satisfies the Wong-Zakai type approximation theorem.
The aim of the paper is to examine the wavelet-Galerkin method for the solution of filtering equations. We use a wavelet biorthogonal basis with compact support for approximations of the solution. Then we compute the Zakai equation for our filtering problem and consider the implicit Euler scheme in time and the Galerkin scheme in space for the solution of the Zakai equation. We give theorems on convergence and its rate. The method is numerically much more efficient than the classical Galerkin method....
A nonlinear filtering problem with delays in the state and observation equations is considered. The unnormalized conditional probability density of the filtered diffusion process satisfies the so-called Zakai equation and solves the nonlinear filtering problem. We examine the solution of the Zakai equation using an approximation result. Our theoretical deliberations are illustrated by a numerical example.
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