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Currently displaying 1 – 5 of 5

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Order by Relevance | Title | Year of publication

On quasistatic inelastic models of gradient type with convex composite constitutive equations

Krzysztof Chełmiński — 2003

Open Mathematics

This article defines and presents the mathematical analysis of a new class of models from the theory of inelastic deformations of metals. This new class, containing so called convex composite models, enlarges the class containing monotone models of gradient type defined in [1]. This paper starts to establish the existence theory for models from this new class; we restrict our investigations to the coercive and linear self-controlling case.

Coercive limits for a subclass of monotonne constitutive equations in the theory of inelastic material behaviour of metals

Krzysztof Chełmiński — 1997

Mathematica Applicanda

We prove existence and uniqueness of strong global in tme solution for a subclass of monotone constitutive equations in the theory of inelastic material behaviour of metals without the coercivity assumption for the free energy function. We approximate noncoercive models by a sequence of coercive problems and prove the convergence result.

New convexity conditions in the calculus of variations and compensated compactness theory

Krzysztof ChełmińskiAgnieszka Kałamajska — 2006

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

We consider the lower semicontinuous functional of the form I f ( u ) = Ω f ( u ) d x where u satisfies a given conservation law defined by differential operator of degree one with constant coefficients. We show that under certain constraints the well known Murat and Tartar’s Λ -convexity condition for the integrand f extends to the new geometric conditions satisfied on four dimensional symplexes. Similar conditions on three dimensional symplexes were recently obtained by the second author. New conditions apply to quasiconvex...

New convexity conditions in the calculus of variations and compensated compactness theory

Krzysztof ChełmińskiAgnieszka Kałamajska — 2005

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

We consider the lower semicontinuous functional of the form I f ( u ) = Ω f ( u ) d x where satisfies a given conservation law defined by differential operator of degree one with constant coefficients. We show that under certain constraints the well known Murat and Tartar's -convexity condition for the integrand extends to the new geometric conditions satisfied on four dimensional symplexes. Similar conditions on three dimensional symplexes were recently obtained by the second author. New conditions apply to...

Existence theory for the equations of inelastic material behavior of metals - Transformation of interior variables and energy estimates

Hans-Dietmer AlberKrzysztof Chełmiński — 1996

Mathematica Applicanda

The system of equations, which we study, consists of linear partial differential equations and of nonlinear ordinary differential equations for internal variables. The existence theory for such systems was studied first by the french mathematicians G. Duvaut and J.L. Lions [1]. Next we can find in the literature a work of C. Johnson [2] on a quasi-static problem for a special model. Then in the nineties we can find more works in the domain. This work consists of two parts. In the first part we will...

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