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Complexity and memory requirements of an algorithm for solving saddle-point linear systems with singular blocks

Kučera, Radek — 2004

Programs and Algorithms of Numerical Mathematics

The paper deals with fast solution of large saddle-point systems arising in wavelet-Galerkin discretizations of separable elliptic PDEs. The periodized orthonormal compactly supported wavelets of the tensor product type together with the fictitious domain method are used. A special structure of matrices makes possible to use the fast Fourier transform that determines the complexity of the algorithm. Numerical experiments confirm theoretical results.

Path-following the static contact problem with Coulomb friction

Haslinger, JaroslavJanovský, VladimírKučera, Radek — 2013

Applications of Mathematics 2013

Consider contact problem with Coulomb friction on two planar domains. In order to find non-unique solutions we propose a new path following algorithm: Given a linear loading path we approximate the corresponding solution path. It consists of oriented piecewise linear branches connected by transition points. We developed a) predictor-corrector algorithm to follow oriented linear branches, b) branching and orientation indicators to detect transition points. The techniques incorporate semi-smooth Newton...

Complexity of an algorithm for solving saddle-point systems with singular blocks arising in wavelet-Galerkin discretizations

Radek Kučera — 2005

Applications of Mathematics

The paper deals with fast solving of large saddle-point systems arising in wavelet-Galerkin discretizations of separable elliptic PDEs. The periodized orthonormal compactly supported wavelets of the tensor product type together with the fictitious domain method are used. A special structure of matrices makes it possible to utilize the fast Fourier transform that determines the complexity of the algorithm. Numerical experiments confirm theoretical results.

Interpolating and smoothing biquadratic spline

Radek Kučera — 1995

Applications of Mathematics

The paper deals with the biquadratic splines and their use for the interpolation in two variables on the rectangular mesh. The possibilities are shown how to interpolate function values, values of the partial derivative or values of the mixed derivative. Further, the so-called smoothing biquadratic splines are defined and the algorithms for their computation are described. All of these biquadratic splines are derived by means of the tensor product of the linear spaces of the quadratic splines and...

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