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Stability analysis of the five-dimensional energy demand-supply system

Kun-Yi YangChun Xia An — 2021


In this paper, a five-dimensional energy demand-supply system has been considered. On the one hand, we analyze the stability for all of the equilibrium points of the system. For each of equilibrium point, by analyzing the characteristic equation, we show the conditions for the stability or instability using Routh-Hurwitz criterion. Then numerical simulations have been given to illustrate all of cases for the theoretical results. On the other hand, by introducing the phenomenon of time delay, we...

Stability analysis of a three-dimensional energy demand-supply system under delayed feedback control

Kun-Yi YangLing-Li ZhangJie Zhang — 2015


This paper considers a three-dimensional energy demand-supply system which typically demonstrates the relationship between the amount of energy supply and that of energy demand for the two regions in China. A delayed feedback controller is proposed to stabilize the system which was originally unstable even under some other controllers. The stability properties of the equilibrium points are subsequently analyzed and it is found that the Hopf bifurcation appears under some conditions. By using the...

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